Increase Workplace Productivity Tips

by Tom B.

Here are some tips to increase workplace productivity. They are not in order of importance.

(Volume 1)

1. Set clear agendas for meetings in advance.

We all know that millions of meetings being conducted around the world right now are, for the most part, pointless. How many times have you gone into a meeting and wondered, "Wait, why am I here?"

So many meetings are unorganized and waste so much valuable time. Of course, employees sometimes don't mind because they don't have to work, but in order to be productive, you must know exactly what the meeting will be about as well as let your team members know as well.

Bottom line: If the meetings don't bring a lot of value, don't have meetings just to have meetings.

2. Show up on time

In terms of workplace productivity as an employee, this should be a standard. Now, showing up on time doesn't mean not being late. It really means, showing up earlier than your scheduled start time in order to get ready so when the time comes, you're ready to go right away.

3. Reward for a job well done

Whether you supervise others or you supervise yourself, realize that people like rewards. People like feeling appreciated for what they do. When you see someone do a good job, tell them. On a personal note, if you wrote down a plan, and stuck with it until it was completed, congratulate yourself by doing something you find rewarding. By feeling good, you will work faster and increase productivity.

4. Stay away from the water cooler

If you want to increase workplace productivity, this is a big one. Too many people hang around the water cooler talking about pointless things. When you are on break, this is fine, but we all know how these conversations can tend to drag on.

You can limit your time here and still be sociable by simply holding a folder of paper or anything that you can use to politely end the conversation by pointing out the folder and saying, "Sorry, I gotta handle this." Of course, if you are the type that can walk away in a middle of a conversation without a sweat, then this isn't needed. You can also look at your watch.

5. Stay away from complainers

At every workplace, there will be complainers. These are the people who will complain about everything from their work to their personal life. Although it's sometimes fun to play the whole "who has it worse" game with them, you're really wasting time that you can use to be more productive.

On top of that, these people tend to bring your energy down. If you want to increase your productivity, you need to avoid these people like the plague. If you are a manager, sometimes these things are unavoidable. What you can do is have a comment box that people can put their concerns in. That way, you can avoid having your work interrupted.

More tips on increasing workplace productivity in the next volume.