Finding ways to increase workplace productivity is a task that can be both frustrating and time consuming. As someone who is in a leadership position, you know that the ability to motivate and get your employees work efficiently in order to increase their output is critical to your company's success. This is especially true during times of economic downturn.
The benefits of increasing productivity in the workplace are more than enough to make it part of your company's objective on a month to month basis. Most companies out there are producing half of what they are capable of. This is mainly due to lack of organization, inefficient procedures, and lack of employee motivation. There are other factors that are involved but these are the three that if enough attention is put on and enough action is taken to improve these areas, the increased productivity will have a huge effect on the bottomline.
In many situations, workplace productivity can be improved with just a few minor changes. Many owners and managers think that a whole company restructuring would need to take place in order to bring productivity to a high level. Although this may be true for in some cases, in general, a few simple changes is all that is needed to make this happen.
Another misconception many managers have is they have to make their employees work harder. They believe if they can use tactics such as awards or even result to micromanaging their people, they will get them to work harder. You see, it's not about working harder. You can have someone work 10 times as hard trying to cut down a tree with a hammer, but you will never get the kind of productivity that can be achieve by someone cutting a tree with an axe while only working half as hard.
When it comes down to it, in order to increase workplace productivity, you have to be able to make things work more efficiently. It's all about working smarter, not harder. You can have your people work extra hard and in the short-term, you will have increased productivity, but in the long run, you will just cause them to wear down and stress out. As you know, when this happens, work output dips.
This site will give you ideas and strategies to enable you to structure your company or team to work at an optimal level. You will be provided with ways to increase workplace productivity by simply increasing the efficiency of everything from business procedures to individual employees.
Productivity In the Workplace
by Tom B.
In order to increase productivity in the workplace, you will need to find out what motivates your employees. Working for a paycheck can only get someone to do so much. Working for something deeper, such as a personal goal or dream is much more powerful. I'm sure you run your company the best you can not purely just for money but also for personal pride as well. The reason why business owners are more productive than employees, generally, is because they building the business is their personal goal. With employees, their personal goal could be to spend more time with their family. If that is the case, perhaps setting up a schedule or create some type of vacation benefit for better performance can help increase productivity.
Increasing productivity in the workplace can sometimes be as simple as making the work environment more fun by doing something like adding some music for example. You need to realize that most people are just content with their jobs and that if something better came along, they would jump ship. In order to get them to be as productive as possible, you need to give them a reason to do so. Even a bigger paycheck won't do this for some people. It just depends on what sort of employees you have as well as what type of work environment you have created for yourself. Take the time to find out more about your employees. Find out their goals, dreams, and hopes. From there, figure out a way to help them achieve those things that will link to them being more productive at work.
This may be something that you will probably only want to consider taking the time to do for employees who are there for the long term. Once you are able to have more motivated employees, you will be able to create a more productive workplace environment as a whole. When that happens, it becomes a standard. When it becomes a standard, any new employee who comes on board will automatically want to work hard just to keep up with the standard. If you notice, workplaces that are full of unproductive people will breed more unproductive people usually. Workplaces that are full of highly productive people will breed more productive people.
So in order to improve productivity in the workplace, you will need to first work on getting the key employees to increase their productivity. The more people you have working at a highly productive level, the more pressure there will be for the other people to not slack off. Having better productivity in the workplace comes down to testing. Try out different things and see what works best. Having good workplace productivity is definitely important in increasing the bottom line.
Increasing productivity in the workplace can sometimes be as simple as making the work environment more fun by doing something like adding some music for example. You need to realize that most people are just content with their jobs and that if something better came along, they would jump ship. In order to get them to be as productive as possible, you need to give them a reason to do so. Even a bigger paycheck won't do this for some people. It just depends on what sort of employees you have as well as what type of work environment you have created for yourself. Take the time to find out more about your employees. Find out their goals, dreams, and hopes. From there, figure out a way to help them achieve those things that will link to them being more productive at work.
This may be something that you will probably only want to consider taking the time to do for employees who are there for the long term. Once you are able to have more motivated employees, you will be able to create a more productive workplace environment as a whole. When that happens, it becomes a standard. When it becomes a standard, any new employee who comes on board will automatically want to work hard just to keep up with the standard. If you notice, workplaces that are full of unproductive people will breed more unproductive people usually. Workplaces that are full of highly productive people will breed more productive people.
So in order to improve productivity in the workplace, you will need to first work on getting the key employees to increase their productivity. The more people you have working at a highly productive level, the more pressure there will be for the other people to not slack off. Having better productivity in the workplace comes down to testing. Try out different things and see what works best. Having good workplace productivity is definitely important in increasing the bottom line.
Workplace Productivity Tips 4
by Tom B.
This is Part 4 of the Workplace Productivity Tips.
16. Get people to use your inbox
Instead of being interrupted with questions while you are in the zone, create an inbox where people can just submit their questions or suggestions to you. You can opt to just have them email you but this will depend on how much email you actually get. If most of your email are from clients, then it's probably best to have them put their suggestions or questions in your box. Once you have time, you can go through them and answer them with more care. These questions should only be ones that they couldn't find out by asking others by the way. Create a environment of openness almost like a helpful forum.
17. Eliminate useless meetings
If the point of having a meeting is because it's something you do every week or month, elminate it. Meetings need to have a strong enough purpose to be pulling people away from their work. Many meetings conducted around world are seen as a waste of time. Some employees actually like these meetings since to them, it's a time to kick back and relax and not have to work.
In order to have effective meetings, everyone involves needs to know the objective and the agenda before hand. If you are the one running the meeting, be prepared. It's a waste of time to spend the first 5-10 minutes of the meeting preparing for the meeting. If the purpose of the meeting is just to announce something news, unless if it's really important, just email it to everyone. If the meeting is to solve a problem, everyone coming into the meeting should know what the issue is and be prepared to give any solutions they may have. If you find that your meetings not very productive, eliminate them or at least lessen the frequency.
18. Praise immediate, specifically, and publicly
One great way to increase employee productivity is by praising an employee of a job well done. Most supervisors know this but to do it effectively, you must also do it specifically. Instead of merely saying, "You did a good job", you want to tell them exactly what they did that you think was good. When you praise an employee for doing a good job, they are more likely to keep up the good work or even do a better job. Now if the compliment is vague, they won't know what to continue doing. Give them the specifics.
Another thing you want to do is my your praises public. This will depend on the level of work of course. If it was just something really minor then it may not be necessary. One of the things that almost all employees want is to know that what they do matters and is being appreciated by the company. By giving them praise publicly, this will boost their confidence and esteem and will help them perform even better. Always remember to be sincere with your praises. Don't compliment just to get people to do a better job. It's just wrong.
19. Create a fun environment
People work more efficiently when they enjoy their work. When people hate or are bored with their work, they won't put much into it. Some employers think that creating a fun environment will slow efficiency and this may be true. It really depends on what type of employees you have. If you have a bunch of low paid workers who could care less about their job, then this may not be the best idea. However, if you have a lot of highly skilled professionals, it may be just what they need. Take Google for example. They are known for creating a fun work environment as well as being one of the leading companies in the world. Yes, work can be fun and productive at the same time.
20. Hire the right people
Take time to examine your potential employees. Learn how to pick and choose the best ones for the job. Remember that just because someone has a college degree it doesn't mean that they are better suited than someone who doesn't. It will come down to experience and level of passion for the job. There are many resources out there that can help you improve your employee hiring skills.
16. Get people to use your inbox
Instead of being interrupted with questions while you are in the zone, create an inbox where people can just submit their questions or suggestions to you. You can opt to just have them email you but this will depend on how much email you actually get. If most of your email are from clients, then it's probably best to have them put their suggestions or questions in your box. Once you have time, you can go through them and answer them with more care. These questions should only be ones that they couldn't find out by asking others by the way. Create a environment of openness almost like a helpful forum.
17. Eliminate useless meetings
If the point of having a meeting is because it's something you do every week or month, elminate it. Meetings need to have a strong enough purpose to be pulling people away from their work. Many meetings conducted around world are seen as a waste of time. Some employees actually like these meetings since to them, it's a time to kick back and relax and not have to work.
In order to have effective meetings, everyone involves needs to know the objective and the agenda before hand. If you are the one running the meeting, be prepared. It's a waste of time to spend the first 5-10 minutes of the meeting preparing for the meeting. If the purpose of the meeting is just to announce something news, unless if it's really important, just email it to everyone. If the meeting is to solve a problem, everyone coming into the meeting should know what the issue is and be prepared to give any solutions they may have. If you find that your meetings not very productive, eliminate them or at least lessen the frequency.
18. Praise immediate, specifically, and publicly
One great way to increase employee productivity is by praising an employee of a job well done. Most supervisors know this but to do it effectively, you must also do it specifically. Instead of merely saying, "You did a good job", you want to tell them exactly what they did that you think was good. When you praise an employee for doing a good job, they are more likely to keep up the good work or even do a better job. Now if the compliment is vague, they won't know what to continue doing. Give them the specifics.
Another thing you want to do is my your praises public. This will depend on the level of work of course. If it was just something really minor then it may not be necessary. One of the things that almost all employees want is to know that what they do matters and is being appreciated by the company. By giving them praise publicly, this will boost their confidence and esteem and will help them perform even better. Always remember to be sincere with your praises. Don't compliment just to get people to do a better job. It's just wrong.
19. Create a fun environment
People work more efficiently when they enjoy their work. When people hate or are bored with their work, they won't put much into it. Some employers think that creating a fun environment will slow efficiency and this may be true. It really depends on what type of employees you have. If you have a bunch of low paid workers who could care less about their job, then this may not be the best idea. However, if you have a lot of highly skilled professionals, it may be just what they need. Take Google for example. They are known for creating a fun work environment as well as being one of the leading companies in the world. Yes, work can be fun and productive at the same time.
20. Hire the right people
Take time to examine your potential employees. Learn how to pick and choose the best ones for the job. Remember that just because someone has a college degree it doesn't mean that they are better suited than someone who doesn't. It will come down to experience and level of passion for the job. There are many resources out there that can help you improve your employee hiring skills.
Increasing Workplace Productivity Tips 3
by Tom B.
This is Part 3 of the Workplace Productivity Tips.
11. Chunk similar tasks together.
Doing tasks that are similar together can save you time from having to switch mental modes and will also cut down preparation time. Let's face it. A lot of what we call "work" is really just preparing to work. Things like organizing papers, adjusting your seat, refilling your cup of coffee or water, checking your email for the 20th time, etc. By putting similar tasks together, you can jump from one task to the next with little down time in between. This can save you hours a week.
Another way you can use this is when you are out running errands. If you have different places to stop at during the week that are in the same general area, do it all on one trip if possible. This will not only save you time, but it'll save you gas as well. It's also good if you know the shortest routes around your city. That way, you can get to different places that you need to be in the shortest amount of time possible saving you more valuable time.
12. Speedy emailing.
When you are communicating through email, if it's not necessary to be detailed, don't be. If you can answer an email in a sentence, do so. You want to be clear to avoid having to have clarification emails but you also want to be succinct. Of course, this will sometimes depend on who you are emailing as well. There are lots of people who talk about email etiquette and how every email should have an appropriate format to it. Well, if you're just emailing someone you know, why bother? If you can answer the email by typing the word, "Yes", then do it. Think of it as online chatting, but not as instant.
When it comes to more formal replies, then yes, you want to start by addressing the person, summarizing the previous conversation and so on. Now if the person you are doing business with replies in a clear succinct fashion, you want to do the same. People with high productivity normally don't like to be bothered with long emails that could've been summarized in a sentence or two. If you can, avoid wasting their time and yours by just getting to the point.
13. Organize your workspace.
When you have a cluttered desk where you find it hard to locate certain things you need, your productivity will suffer. By keeping a well maintained, organized desk, you can continue with your work flow without being interrupted just to look for your stapler. Generally, you want to do the organization of your desk when you aren't in the middle of working or getting ready to get to work. Many people will tend to do this and call it part of work but what they are really doing is just procrastinating.
This is something that should be done every few days or so depending on how much stuff you normally have lying on your work desk. If you put this off for too long, you'll have to spend more time getting things organized. It's a lot easier to put a few out of place documents back to where it's suppose to be than to reorganize the entire desk. If your desk is currently so messy that you can't even see its surface and you really don't have the motivation to organize everything, what you can do is just focus on a small section of the desk really quick before you leave for the day. Over several days, assuming that you don't mess everything up again during your workday, everything should be in place.
14. Use voicemail.
When you are about to go into the zone, meaning you're in the state of deep focus, don't let interruptions like phone calls ruin your flow. During these times, you will get a lot more done then any other times in the day. So when it happens, take advantage of it and get the most out of it. We generally have a certain time of the day when this happens. If you already know which part of the day you are normally most productive and it doesn't involve using the phone, set it to silent or turn off the ringer and let it go straight to voicemail.
As you know, a simple phone call can end up being a long conversation that can completely destroy you flow and of course decrease your productivity. If you have the luxury of having a secretary, then you can have them prevent any calls from getting through to you during that time. If you don't, then just use voicemail.
15. Get workplace productivity ideas from workers.
For every company, there will be dozens of processes and procedures that your employees will go through on a daily basis. Since they are the ones working on the projects all day long, they are normally the best to ask for productivity ideas. Depending on the environment you have created, increased efficiency should be something that your employees want to shoot for. Of course, there will be people who just want to do enough work to keep their jobs so they are probably not right people to ask, but they are the ones who you want approval from if you implement any new procedures. If you can get them to support it, they are more likely to actually do it. Have a suggestion box available so people can be anonymous if they choose to.
11. Chunk similar tasks together.
Doing tasks that are similar together can save you time from having to switch mental modes and will also cut down preparation time. Let's face it. A lot of what we call "work" is really just preparing to work. Things like organizing papers, adjusting your seat, refilling your cup of coffee or water, checking your email for the 20th time, etc. By putting similar tasks together, you can jump from one task to the next with little down time in between. This can save you hours a week.
Another way you can use this is when you are out running errands. If you have different places to stop at during the week that are in the same general area, do it all on one trip if possible. This will not only save you time, but it'll save you gas as well. It's also good if you know the shortest routes around your city. That way, you can get to different places that you need to be in the shortest amount of time possible saving you more valuable time.
12. Speedy emailing.
When you are communicating through email, if it's not necessary to be detailed, don't be. If you can answer an email in a sentence, do so. You want to be clear to avoid having to have clarification emails but you also want to be succinct. Of course, this will sometimes depend on who you are emailing as well. There are lots of people who talk about email etiquette and how every email should have an appropriate format to it. Well, if you're just emailing someone you know, why bother? If you can answer the email by typing the word, "Yes", then do it. Think of it as online chatting, but not as instant.
When it comes to more formal replies, then yes, you want to start by addressing the person, summarizing the previous conversation and so on. Now if the person you are doing business with replies in a clear succinct fashion, you want to do the same. People with high productivity normally don't like to be bothered with long emails that could've been summarized in a sentence or two. If you can, avoid wasting their time and yours by just getting to the point.
13. Organize your workspace.
When you have a cluttered desk where you find it hard to locate certain things you need, your productivity will suffer. By keeping a well maintained, organized desk, you can continue with your work flow without being interrupted just to look for your stapler. Generally, you want to do the organization of your desk when you aren't in the middle of working or getting ready to get to work. Many people will tend to do this and call it part of work but what they are really doing is just procrastinating.
This is something that should be done every few days or so depending on how much stuff you normally have lying on your work desk. If you put this off for too long, you'll have to spend more time getting things organized. It's a lot easier to put a few out of place documents back to where it's suppose to be than to reorganize the entire desk. If your desk is currently so messy that you can't even see its surface and you really don't have the motivation to organize everything, what you can do is just focus on a small section of the desk really quick before you leave for the day. Over several days, assuming that you don't mess everything up again during your workday, everything should be in place.
14. Use voicemail.
When you are about to go into the zone, meaning you're in the state of deep focus, don't let interruptions like phone calls ruin your flow. During these times, you will get a lot more done then any other times in the day. So when it happens, take advantage of it and get the most out of it. We generally have a certain time of the day when this happens. If you already know which part of the day you are normally most productive and it doesn't involve using the phone, set it to silent or turn off the ringer and let it go straight to voicemail.
As you know, a simple phone call can end up being a long conversation that can completely destroy you flow and of course decrease your productivity. If you have the luxury of having a secretary, then you can have them prevent any calls from getting through to you during that time. If you don't, then just use voicemail.
15. Get workplace productivity ideas from workers.
For every company, there will be dozens of processes and procedures that your employees will go through on a daily basis. Since they are the ones working on the projects all day long, they are normally the best to ask for productivity ideas. Depending on the environment you have created, increased efficiency should be something that your employees want to shoot for. Of course, there will be people who just want to do enough work to keep their jobs so they are probably not right people to ask, but they are the ones who you want approval from if you implement any new procedures. If you can get them to support it, they are more likely to actually do it. Have a suggestion box available so people can be anonymous if they choose to.
Workplace Productivity Tips 2
by Tom B.
This is Volume 2 of the Workplace Productivity Tips.
6. Schedule fun time
Let's face it, work can be dreadful for lots of people, especially on a Monday. Although the best thing to do is to hire people who love what they do, that's not always easy to do. Besides, during the interview, people always put their best face forward so it's hard to really tell who will actually like their job anyway.
When work is long and boring, productivity goes way down. So one way that may work is to schedule a time during the week or month for employees to have some fun. There are dozens of things you can do and what will be effective will depend on the company and the type of people it employs. Casually Fridays just doesn't cut it. Working at a boring job in jeans doesn't really help much.
The best thing to do is just ask your for your employees' opinion. You can throw some kind of potluck or some sort of theme party every now and then. I know those ideas are sort of lame, but if you're not doing anything somewhat fun currently, then anything might work. Look, your employees are already spending a junk of their life working to make you richer, the least you can do is make it somewhat fun for them. Happy employees are more productive, which means more money for you.
7. Update tools
If your staff is stuck using outdated computer software and office equipment, it can be hurting overall workplace productivity. See what upgrades are necessary to increase productivity and invest the money to replace it. Doing so will increase your outcome and make more money in the long run so it'll be worth it.
8. Spend more time solving problems
Many times, meetings are spent on discussing the problem rather than solving it. If you want to get the best out of a meeting that involves solving a problem, then the majority of the time should be spent solving the problem. You can talk about it all day long but that's not going to solve a thing. Have your staff know what the problem is before the meeting even starts so they can think of solutions ahead of time.
9. Handling emails
How many times have you read a same piece of email more than once? If you're like most people, too many. Doing this will only hurt your productivity. What you want to do every time you receive email is one of three things. You either save it in a designated folder, answer it, or delete it.
If you have hundreds of emails in your inbox and don't want to delete them because you think you might need it someday, then just store it in a "may need someday" folder. Most likely you'll never read those emails again. If you haven't had to refer to an email for more than a few months, chances are, you never will and can therefore just delete it.
10. Reply to short emails right away
If an email can be answered in a few sentences once you read it, just answer it right away. It'll save you the time from having to come back and reading it again later on. If the answer that is required will take some time and thought, then you can save it for later. This will help increase workplace productivity if everyone in the office applies this tip.
6. Schedule fun time
Let's face it, work can be dreadful for lots of people, especially on a Monday. Although the best thing to do is to hire people who love what they do, that's not always easy to do. Besides, during the interview, people always put their best face forward so it's hard to really tell who will actually like their job anyway.
When work is long and boring, productivity goes way down. So one way that may work is to schedule a time during the week or month for employees to have some fun. There are dozens of things you can do and what will be effective will depend on the company and the type of people it employs. Casually Fridays just doesn't cut it. Working at a boring job in jeans doesn't really help much.
The best thing to do is just ask your for your employees' opinion. You can throw some kind of potluck or some sort of theme party every now and then. I know those ideas are sort of lame, but if you're not doing anything somewhat fun currently, then anything might work. Look, your employees are already spending a junk of their life working to make you richer, the least you can do is make it somewhat fun for them. Happy employees are more productive, which means more money for you.
7. Update tools
If your staff is stuck using outdated computer software and office equipment, it can be hurting overall workplace productivity. See what upgrades are necessary to increase productivity and invest the money to replace it. Doing so will increase your outcome and make more money in the long run so it'll be worth it.
8. Spend more time solving problems
Many times, meetings are spent on discussing the problem rather than solving it. If you want to get the best out of a meeting that involves solving a problem, then the majority of the time should be spent solving the problem. You can talk about it all day long but that's not going to solve a thing. Have your staff know what the problem is before the meeting even starts so they can think of solutions ahead of time.
9. Handling emails
How many times have you read a same piece of email more than once? If you're like most people, too many. Doing this will only hurt your productivity. What you want to do every time you receive email is one of three things. You either save it in a designated folder, answer it, or delete it.
If you have hundreds of emails in your inbox and don't want to delete them because you think you might need it someday, then just store it in a "may need someday" folder. Most likely you'll never read those emails again. If you haven't had to refer to an email for more than a few months, chances are, you never will and can therefore just delete it.
10. Reply to short emails right away
If an email can be answered in a few sentences once you read it, just answer it right away. It'll save you the time from having to come back and reading it again later on. If the answer that is required will take some time and thought, then you can save it for later. This will help increase workplace productivity if everyone in the office applies this tip.
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